To give you an idea of what is involved with installing an SWS
SeceuroGlide Roller door we have some images taken throughout the
installation of a 2.2m x 2.1m door. This is not intended to be an
installation guide and only shows the major steps not the fine detail, refer to
the excellent installation manual supplied with the product for full
Skip to the bottom of the page to see the SWS External
Manual Release.
1. This standard SeceuroGlide door is being fitted to a (rather
shabby) garage which does not have enough clear headroom for the roll so
the end plate is lower than the lintel - timber infill was used to lower
the lintel on completion. In this case fit the guide and end plate
to the side with the lowest headroom first - trim the vertical guide to
suit. The guide is being fitted to the rear face of the brickwork
- removing the old door frame increased the drive-through width by
10" in this case. The guide must be drilled and fixed using
No12 screws (not supplied).

2. Once the guide and end plate on this side have been fixed in
position the other side can be offered up - it is useful to fit the axle
at this stage, the guide can be trimmed so that the axle is absolutely
level. Take a little extra time over this... a perfectly
horizontal axle is essential.

3. Both guides and end plates are now fixed securely and the axle is
fitted (the motor for the door is inside the axle at this end in this

4. In preparation for feeding the curtain over the top of the axle
stick a loop of duck tape around the axle and black roller on both
sides; this helps to guide the bottom edge of the curtain into the guide
making it much easier if you are on your own.

5. Having measured the height of the guides and checked against the
installation instructions that the curtain has the correct number of
slats (if you have to remove some you will need a pop rivet gun) the
curtain is fed over the of the axle. The curtain is then lowered
onto a tool box and curved collars slipped onto the top slat from the

6. With the door fully lowered the curved collars are secured by pop
riveting (you will need a pop rivet gun) the white sleeves in position,
the automatic locks are a adjusted (the long screws set to overlap the
teeth in the end plate - very effective), manual release lever fitted
and bottom motor limit set.

7. The non-motor side. The door is raised and the upper motor
limit set.

8. The control box and photo cells are fitted, wired up and tested -
sorry forgot to photograph these! The door is then ready for
use. Below is a Seceuroglide Compact... I forgot to photograph the
end result of the above door - the external brickwork was a bit shabby

1. SWS External Manual Release - only required if you
do not have access into the garage other than through the garage door;
this enables you to wind the door open in the event of a power
cut. Inside view. The bar rises up to connect into the motor
assembly. The bar can be shortened and/or turned through 90° to
go through a side wall. A 22mm dia masonary drill bit will be
required, suggest pilot drilling 10 or 12mm first.

2. External view (making good not yet done). Key is
inserted and barrel removed allowing you to insert the winding handle
and open the door from outside. Undoing the four screws does not
overcome the lock!